Friday, March 11, 2011

Best Spring EVER

love is in the air, almost. Spring is just around the corner and my heart is begging and pleading to be released into the world.

Rebecca Jessica

Wednesday, September 22, 2010

Summer is still in my heart

I know summer ended yesterday, but my heart is still in summer mode. It beats to the rhythm of the sun that rises every morning, waking up both me and my cute neighbor. One day our hearts will beat as one. That day is our wedding day.


Rebecca Jessica

Saturday, August 14, 2010


My mind has been running around in triangles trying to figure out WHY he is SOOO cute. WHY? why... every time I take a shower I think of him. Every time I brush my hair I think of him. Every time I look into the sky and watch the sun set and the stars appear and the moon glow and the owl's chirp...i think of him.


Rebecca Jessica

Tuesday, July 27, 2010

Learning Korean

Lately I've been learning Korean from the most fluent teacher I found on YouTube. My CUTE neighbor will want to know what I am speaking and ask me what I am speaking and I will tell him and we will fall in love.


Rebecca Jessica

Saturday, July 24, 2010

Thursday, July 22, 2010

I Flirted With YouTube

My best summer ever is on YouTube:


Rebecca Jessica

Guess WHO

I heard something outside of my window and guess WHO it was? MY CUTE neighbor! ! ! he was trying to get his dog back that I borrowed yesterday from him. But he wasn't home so I asked the dog if it was okay I borrowed him and he said yes so I took him home with me and now I think my CUTE neighbor just wants to feed his dog.
I wasn't ready in this one

I was ready in this one


Rebecca Jessica